Sunday 9 January 2011

Testing your work

Testing your work:

The most successful ways to disseminate your work is through various plat forms such as galleries, websites, blogs, forums and publishing your work. They can help you gain feedback and reactions off your audience.
One of the easiest ways to disseminate your work would be through a website as this is a way were you can publicise your work whilst also giving the public the option to leave feedback on there opinions. A great example of an artists website would be Kate

Katemoross – As you can see in the image above the layout of her website has be carefully thought out so that its easy for the viewer to see all the important information on her main page these being a short biorgraphy in which she has not gone into great detail about herself she has just put the main facts she has also added in this section links to her twitter, facebook, fickr and other social networking websites so people are able to get in contact. Also next to her about me section she has her blog and archives. Great Visual hierarchy is shown throughout the website i.e the 3 colourful buttons saying work, play, stop and underneath she has her logo and her contact details.
I feel that Kate’s website is one of the most well thought out I have seen in regards to promoting herself. It’s clear, alluring and she has managed to disseminate her work perfectly by using most if not all of the various platforms above.

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