Sunday 9 January 2011

novice to expert

From Novice to Expert.
There are 5 positions on the novice to expert scale. And they are as follows:
1.       Novice – this is when the artist/ designer has minimal knowledge, unable to produce satisfactory work without being closely supervised.
2.       Beginner – has some working knowledge, simple tasks are likely to be done to an acceptable standard, able to achieve some tasks without supervision.
3.       Competent – good working knowledge, able to do tasks to a good standard, able to do the majority of tasks using own judgement.
4.       Proficient – great depth of knowledge, fully acceptable standards of work and able to deal with complex situations, able to take all responsibility for own work.
5.       Expert – authoritative knowledge, excellent standard of work, able to go beyond exsisting standards of work very well and able to see a vision of what maybe possible.
If I was to rate myself at this current time on the novice to expert scale I would say I was competent, I feel I have a good working knowledge but strive to better myself. 

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