Sunday 9 January 2011

Overcoming mindset

Overcoming mind set.
It is easy for designers, artists and creators to work in the same way and become stuck in a reliable mind sets, repeating work that has previously been successful. This is a safe way of producing idea’s that are more than likely going to be successful but this comes with many negatives. Being in one continuous mind set maybe the safe option but it has a massive impact on idea’s and artists become restricted. Although you have a greater risk of an idea becoming unsuccessful, by breaking the rules you are opening your mind up to a whole new world of idea’s and excitement.
Habitual thinking leads to predictable results and in order to overcome a set of assumptions, method or notation you need to relax your habitual patterns. Christoph Niemann is a great example of someone who knows how to overcome mind sets when producing work. All of his ideas have completely different processes and methods and he has managed to produce some exciting and innovating pieces of art. 

Looking at Chritophs work has helped inspired me into finding a way to relax my habitual patterns and challenge mind sets. I do this by starting every piece of work from scratch and trying to come up with around 100 ideas that are all different. This helps gets me thinking outside the box and helps me free my mind giving myself the freedom to become playful. Once I have my idea’s I look at them and try a few out in greater depth they might become really unsuccessful but these errors are a learning curve and they help me become a greater photographer.

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